A Giant π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp. from North Male Atoll

Map the Giants corals marhe center bicocca Male Atoll Coco Resorts

This giant Porites sp. has been measured and reported by @cococaresmv Marine Biologists Lauren Kennedy.
The colony is a π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp., measuring ~5.2m in length and 2m in width and sitting at a depth of 6m. Although it presents a few dead portions, the colony is overall in good shape with over 75% alive tissue.
Many corals have been located in the past weeks, stay tuned for more!


Map the Giants corals marhe center bicocca baa atoll manta ray

A Giant π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp. and a Manta Ray

There are many ways corals contribute to biodiversity and here is one. This giant Porites sp. measured and reported byΒ @cococaresmvΒ is not only special because of its size, but it is also dear to Manta Rays that use it as a cleaning station.
Corals are organisms capable of living incredibly long lives and are home to many other organisms thriving within, on, and in the middle of their structures.
This colony was found at 19.5m and measures 8.5 m in length. In the last few weeks, it showed signs of bleaching but we are hopeful that given its depth, it will make it, as it must have already done in the past…

Map the Giants corals marhe center bicocca baa atoll manta ray
Giant Porites sp., a manta ray cleaning station
Map the Giants corals marhe center bicocca Laamu atoll

Giant π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp. from Laamu atoll

The South of the Maldives certainly still harbors a lot of secrets, and the Maldives Underwater Initiative Team is out there looking for Giant Corals. Here comes a report of a Giant π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp. from the reefs near Laamu Hithadhoo. The colony sits at a depth of approximately 22 meters and measures around 12 meters in diameter and 3 meters in height. Maahil Ahmed, a coral researcher from the MUI team, has also been able to provide a 3D reconstruction of the colony, which proves incredibly valuable to assess changes to the coral, especially considering the current bleaching event.

Thank you MUI team for your efforts!

Map the Giants corals marhe center bicocca laamu atoll Maldives Underwater Initiative
Giant π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp. from Laamu Atoll by MUI
Map the Giants corals marhe center bicocca laamu atoll
Giant π˜—π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘡𝘦𝘴 sp. 3D reconstruction